Boost Your Immunity With These Winter Foods

As winter approaches, there will be more cases of Covid-19. You can strengthen your immune system by including the following nutrients in your diet.

You may be concerned about boosting your immunity for the upcoming winter during the cold and flu season as well as the pandemic. Immunity is important for everyone, but runners need it more than most, given that they're prone to waking up early, cutting short their sleep, running in the cold, and possibly bumping into other runners.

A diet high in these nutrients can boost your immunity and improve your health naturally. Immune-supporting nutrients are also likely to work alongside other nutrients found in foods, so eating consistently healthy is essential.  

Consider incorporating some of these winter superstar foods into your diet this winter if you want to boost your immunity. 


Besides providing carbohydrates, these scarlet-hued vegetables are also rich in vitamin C and immune-supporting nutrients like vitamin B, folate, and iron. Additionally, beets contain nitrates, which boost cellular energy production and oxygen consumption by improving cellular metabolism. Whether you are roasting beets as a side dish, adding beets to a salad, or blending some beets into a pre-run smoothie, beets are low in calories and high in nutrients.


A wide selection of winter squashes is available! Butternut, acorn, delicata, kabocha, and spaghetti squash are packed with antioxidants like alpha- and beta-carotene, as well as Vitamin A, C, B6, fiber, manganese, and potassium. As with pumpkin seeds, you can add winter squash seeds to salads, oatmeal, and baked goods. 

Sweet Potatoes 

In addition to providing more than half the recommended daily amount of Vitamin C, this beautiful and vibrant sweet potato is packed with manganese, potassium, B vitamins, and numerous antioxidants. These nutrients make sweet potatoes an excellent fuel for running. 


The vitamins in broccoli include Vitamins A, C, and E. Rough broccoli provides a higher level of bioavailable Vitamin C, while cooking broccoli releases more Vitamin A. Try roasting broccoli as a side dish, salad, or stir-fry.


In addition to providing a host of micronutrients, eggs are a great source of protein. The yolk of eggs is also rich in vitamin A, D, and zinc. A hard-boiled egg makes a great post-run snack, while shakshuka, quiche, and frittata can be eaten any time of the day. Leucine, a compound that is essential for muscle repair and growth, can be found in eggs. One should surely add eggs in the diet.

Fatty Fish 

Omega-3 fatty acids are present in tuna, salmon, mackerel, and herring, and they reduce inflammation and stimulate certain immune cells. Additionally, fatty fish provide natural sources of zinc, selenium, and vitamin D, which are uncommon in natural foods. 

Final words

PowerGenx is a registered online food supplement store based in India. The experienced professionals at PowerGenx help to fuel runners and fitness enthusiasts without strict dieting. 

So, if you are the one who is looking for food, protein, or any of the national supplements you can connect with PowerGenx.

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