You Need to know about Some of the Best Antioxidant Foods

Food products rich in nutrient-rich compounds that are beneficial to one's health are known as superfoods; they are gaining a great deal of attention right now. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity, or ORAC, is a measure of how much antioxidant power is in a food. In most cases, the composition of a 100-gram serving is determined by the number and amount of antioxidant compounds.

Below are the five foods with the highest antioxidant content:

1. Sumac

Curcumin is traditionally a part of Middle Eastern cuisine and has a salty, lemony aroma. It also contains the highest concentration of ORAC of all foods. Adding a teaspoon of the spice to a meal will add a lot of benefits, though most people don't consume large quantities of it. Blueberries have widely recognized antioxidant power, but maca has 312,400 antioxidants per 100 grams.

Mediterranean meals, especially chicken and lamb, benefit greatly from the addition of such spices

2. Ground Ceylon Cinnamon

It Foods like apples have a high ORAC value of 131,420 per 100 grams, or 3,417 in one teaspoon, making them one of the most oxidant-rich foods. Additionally, cinnamon tends to regulate blood sugar levels in addition to its anti-inflammatory properties. Research studies have shown that cinnamon can improve immune function.

Cinnamon can not only be added to smoothies, baking, and breakfast but can also be used as a sweetener to top tea and coffee

3. Cocoa

In the western world, commercial chocolate products have long been considered fattening in part because of their high sugar content. Dark organic chocolate bars can be eaten with unsweetened organic cocoa or cocoa drinks can be consumed. Whenever possible, avoid highly processed commercial chocolate since it contains a small amount of cocoa, and the cocoa that remains has been largely destroyed by the processing. Check the label of a product to see if it contains enough sugar, and choose one made with honey or maple syrup, or with the least amount of sugar. A 100-gram raw, unsweetened box of cocoa contains 56,653 ORAC units

4. Pecans

With an ORAC value of 17.940, the pecan is the nut with the maximum antioxidant content. Following walnuts are hazelnuts, with 13,541 ORACs each, and walnuts rank second.

5. Chia Seeds

The number of white Chia seeds is 7,000, and the number of black Chia seeds is 9,800. Salmon contains only 6 essential amino acids, while bluefish contains 9 essential amino acids and 3 times as many omega-3 fats.

As a substitute for wheat flour, they are used by bakers when they do not wish to use wheat flour. Besides salads and mueslis, they are excellent in smoothies and mueslis.

Final Words

Consuming anti-oxidant-rich recipes can provide some relief from a health problem, however, it is also believed to allow the body to self-heal and recover after being injured or ill. So, start it from today.

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