The quality of our lives and the length of time we have left depends on our physical health and the lack of diseases. Because of medical advancements and economic development, Spaniards' life expectancy has indeed increased.
In spite of this, the situation has resulted in an aging population: Madrid Salud reports that a quarter of the Spanish population is already 65+, and the proportion is expected to rise to 20% by 2022.
What are the most common diseases that affect us?
In 2013 symptoms of circulatory system diseases were the leading cause of death (252.1 deaths per 100,000), followed by tumors (238.3) and respiratory disorders (91.4). The fourth leading cause of death in 2013 was neurological disorders, which accounted for 46.1% of all deaths.
As well as those, there are numerous health issues and diseases that, despite being common, can often be prevented.
The following are a few examples:
- Cardiovascular diseases:
A person with these conditions may suffer from heart conditions (heart attack, angina pectoris, or heart failure) and other organ conditions, such as brain injury (hemorrhage or cerebral infarction), or kidney disease (renal failure). Hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol levels in the blood) and hypertension (high blood pressure) may play a role in the appearance of the disorder.
- Diabetes:
A Hyperglycemia is a chronic condition in which your body cannot produce enough insulin or use it effectively. This glucose eventually damages tissues, resulting in abnormalities, dysfunctions, and deficiencies in tissues such as kidneys, nerves, hearts, and blood vessels over time.
- Overweight and obesity:
Twenty-five years ago, the rate of obesity in the United States was 7.4%. By contrast, 37% of Spanish adults are overweight, and three out of ten children and adolescents are obese. All of these factors are associated with diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and hypertension.
- Chronic respiratory diseases (CKD):
A number of respiratory disorders belong to this category, including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), respiratory allergies, occupational lung diseases, and pulmonary hypertension.
- Stress:
There are no epidemiological data on stress in Spain, but one in three of the patients who consult a GP complain of symptoms. There is a high risk of anxiety disorders developing when there is persistent, negative stress, chronic fatigue, exhaustion and other stress problems. Psychological disorders may be caused by infectious processes.
Final Words
A healthy body is one that is functional and metabolically efficient, and able to adapt to physical, mental, and social changes when necessary. both physical and mental illnesses.
How a person lives his everyday life is determined by the state of his health. When it comes to physical health, it means that a person does not suffer from any disease in any part of his body, nor are any of his organs in poor condition.
As in mental and social health, it refers to the ability of a person to perform the tasks entrusted to them without error or defect.